Dr M never said Anwar cleared of sodomy, Saiful Bukhari insists

Saiful Bukhari and wife

Saiful Bukhari Azlan and wife

(MMO) – Despite supporting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s release from jail, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had never declared the de facto Opposition leader innocent of sodomy charges, Saiful Bukhari Azlan said today.

The former aide to Anwar who accused his boss sodomising him in 2008 was upset with Dr Mahathir for now reversing his stand, saying the 91-year-old is only playing politics.

“When he supported Anwar Ibrahim, it is a bit touchy for me. We were a bit sad lah when Tun did that.

“But to me, they are being politicians. I am a victim of a political situation,” he told reporters when met at the sidelines of the Umno general assembly, referring to Dr Mahathir.

Saiful however insisted that Dr Mahathir had never advocated Anwar’s innocence and wanted the former Opposition leader to be released from incarceration for his own political gain.

“He didn’t say that it is not true. He just wants to free him. You see in politics, they like to spin their words. How they justify their actions.

“He didn’t say Anwar is not guilty and etc. He just say that he wants him free to save Malaysia,” he explained.

Saiful added that he has always steered clear of politics and was just a staff to Anwar before being roped into the scandal which saw the former PKR president being jailed for five years.

“Actually, I’m not in politics. I got accidentally and reluctantly pulled into politics. I’m just a member of staff to Anwar last time.

“I’m not a member of any political party. Basically I’m not a politician,” he insisted.

Saiful in 2008 lodged a police report against Anwar for allegedly sodomising him while he was an aide.

On February 10, 2015, the Federal Court upheld an earlier ruling for the conviction and five-year jail term of Anwar over the sodomy of Saiful Bukhari in 2008. 

