Khairy: Dr M practises ‘do-whatever-it-takes’ politics


(MMO) – Umno Youth Head Khairy Jamaluddin described Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a political enemy who practises “do whatever it takes” politics and has no loyal friends.

He said the former prime minister practised the politics of Italian Niccolo Machiavelli where there are no values.

“He pretends to be on the side of the people, but the real aim is attaining power,” he said in his keynote address at the Umno Youth General Assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre here today.

He said Dr Mahathir’s stand today was very different from when he had a post (in the government).

“Do not forget, do not let the people forget that the so-called struggles of our former leader are only for show and is just trickery.

“It is a hypocrisy, where he chases the helm, to build a legacy and an empire,” he said.

At the assembly which was attended by 990 delegates, Khairy screened video clips which showed the different stands of Dr Mahathir when he was in power compared to now, his relations with PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his stand on street demonstrations.

He also recited a poem titled “Melayu Mudah Lupa” (Malays Forget Easily) which was meant for Dr Mahathir.

He said Umno Youth would always remember Dr Mahathir’s deeds but will fight to the end his betrayal (of the party).

Khairy also lambasted the Bersih 5.0 rally which he said was the best proof that they were so driven by a thirst for power that they could accept the presence of Dr Mahathir who had once banned street rallies when he was in power.

“In the case of Dr Mahathir, who once banned street rallies with the use of the FRU, ISA and an iron rule, he is today being supported and upheld as the real voice of the people.

“Their willingness to do a 180-degree U-turn is of course not based on principles but because they want power, so the end justifies everything,” he said.
