Najib: Dr M’s actions a betrayal to party, country and race (VIDEO)

Umno 2016

(MMO) – The actions of former Umno president Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad are the “peak” of betrayal to the party, the country, and also the Malay race, his successor Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today.

He described Dr Mahathir, who left Umno and formed opposition party Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) as having committed “disgusting” acts by working with DAP and participating in rallies such as Bersih.

“Dr Mahathir who was once a celebrated statesman, has now turned sides against the very party that he had led for decades,” Najib told over 2,700 delegates at the start of the Umno general assembly here today.

 “The fact is, this is the peak of a betrayal to Umno, the race and the country,” Najib said.

He also accused Dr Mahathir of colluding with “foreign enemies” such as US billionaire George Soros, whose Open Society Foundations (OSF) has been funding local groups allegedly for a plot to depose the government.

