GE14 may be held soon, says Najib


(The Star) – DATUK Seri Najib Tun Razak went on the offensive ahead of the 14th General Election (GE14), painting a bleak picture for the Malays and bumiputra should the country fall into the hands of the DAP-led Opposition.

Addressing the Umno general assembly, the party president and Prime Minister said the GE14 will come any time soon.

He added that the Umno General Assembly 2016 was for all delegates to receive messages and advice as preparation for GE14.

Najib said unlike the Opposition, Barisan Nasional’s principle of power-sharing among component parties representing various races also protected the rights of other races.

“If DAP, which fights for extreme liberalism and dangerous secular beliefs, is elected to power, all rights and privileges which Umno has been fighting for will disappear,” he said.

“Just picture a scenario where bumiputra institutions such as Mara, Felda, Risda, Teraju and UiTM are no longer able to defend the philosophy behind their establishment.”

Those who attended the opening session yesterday wore colour-coordinated attire. All of them, including Najib and the party’s vice-presidents, came dressed in blue in a show of Barisan solidarity.

Najib said the Malays should also be worried that DAP’s constitution had no mention whatsoever of Islam as the religion of the Federation nor the Malay Rulers.

He said if only the Malays and bumiputra realised the “adverse implication and nightmare” that could befall them if DAP came to power, they would be worried.

“That’s why they should hold on tightly to Umno because only this party can defend them and fight for their children and future generation,” he added.

To drive home the point that the Umno-led Barisan government was constantly helping the people, Najib listed the types of aid offered to the low-income group.

“So will it be DAP or Umno?” he asked.

The delegates responded “Umno”, to which Najib said: “May the rakyat choose us forever.

“I ask my non-Muslim friends, brothers and the people of Malaysia from Perlis to Sabah and Sarawak not to worry. As long as Malaysia is governed by Umno-led Barisan, we will continue to be fair to everyone.

“Rest assured that their rights as stated in the Federal Constitution will forever be protected by this Government,” he pledged.
