Malays will never lose power, says Kit Siang

Kit Siang

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang dismisses Umno president Najib Razak’s claim that GE14 is a clash between Umno and DAP, saying instead it’s BN versus Pakatan and PPBM.

(FMT) – Lim Kit Siang said it was impossible for Malays to lose their political power as they were the majority race in Malaysia besides occupying the most number of seats in parliament.

In rubbishing claims that DAP would destroy Malay and Muslim institutions in the country should it come to power, the veteran MP pointed out that 70% of federal lawmakers were Malay, while the Chinese represented only 13% of the seats in parliament.

Lim also said that in 2010 the population of Malays increased to 55.07%, while the Chinese population dipped to 24.34%. Indians only made up 7.35%.

“So how can the Malays lose their political power?

“Come what may in the next general election (GE14), whether Najib Razak is no longer the prime minister or Umno is defeated, Malays will always be in political power,” Lim told, the party’s official organ.


