‘I never met Altantuya, but was accused of her murder’


Umno president Najib Razak says that until now, there is no proof linking him to the Mongolian’s murder.

(FMT) – Umno President Najib Razak mocked the opposition today, claiming they had a tendency to link him to high profile murders, including that of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Najib said opposition parties were fond of spreading lies about him, not because of who he was, but because of the position he held.

“Every time there is a murder, I must be involved in it.

“Even when it concerns someone I don’t know. I have never met Altantuya, but I was accused of her murder.

“And the latest, Kevin Morais’s murder. They (opposition) claimed I was involved in it when it had nothing to do with me,” Najib, said in his closing speech at the Umno general assembly here.

He added that up until now, there was no proof linking him to either of these murders but the opposition still chose to play up his alleged involvement in it to gain support.

Najib has repeatedly denied any involvement in Altantuya’s brutal murder.

Morais’s death on the other hand was rumoured to be in connection to a charge sheet against Najib that pertained to his alleged involvement in corruption and embezzlement.

In his speech, Najib also touched on the allegation PKR lawmaker Rafizi Ramli made against his wife Rosmah Mansor.

“He said my wife bought a really expensive ring, then he said he was only joking.

“That is why we cannot simply accept everything they (opposition) say. Like 1MDB which the opposition initially said was in RM42 billion debt, then it went down to RM27 billion and now, they are quiet about it.

“But let me just state this. Every year 1MDB sponsors 1,200 imam and ketua kampung for their pilgrimages.”
