Mahathir squandered RM100 billion, Najib tells Umno delegates


Najib said Mahathir should focus on his new party rather than hitting on Umno and his leadership.

(Malaysia Outlook) – Najib said Mahathir should focus on his new party rather than hitting on Umno and his leadership.

Umno president Najib Razak reveals former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed has more scandals and squandered almost RM100 billion when he was in power for 22 years.

In his winding up speech at Umno Annual General Assembly 2016, Najib said Mahathir has benefited with his mega projects some to name are Independent Power Plant (IPP), Highway projects, MAS privatisation, Perwaja steel and Forex.

Najib told the Umno delegates to read the book ‘Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamed in Turbulent Times’ authored by Barry Wain, a former editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal.

In the book, Barry wrote that during Mahathir in power most of the scams, which included a government attempt to manipulate the international tin price and gambling by Bank Negara on global currency markets, occurred in the 1980s.

Wain exposed that the Mahathir administration, which took office in 1981 with the slogan, “clean, efficient, trustworthy”, was almost immediately embroiled in financial scandals that “exploded with startling regularity”.

“I know Mahathir’s scandals. He has been hitting on 1MDB issue saying that I siphoned RM42 billion.

“Then the amount reduced to RM27 billion, all sorts of allegations to portray me bad.

“Before that they used Altantuya case. The police have cleared me.” said Najib.

Najib asked Mahathir, “Why you didn’t sue Barry Wain on the RM 100 billion allegation in the book, instead asking me to sue others.”

Najib advised Mahathir to put a stop hitting on Umno as he’s no longer a member.

