Malaysia facing ‘colour revolution’, vows to apprehend those behind the movement – Zahid


In his closing speech, Zahid said Prime Minister Najib Razak has given him full powers to probe and counter the foreign funding and sabotage issue.

(Malaysia Outlook) – Umno vice president Zahid Hamidi reveals that Malaysia is facing a colour revolution movement funded by foreign powers to topple the government of the day and vowed to apprehend all those behind the movement.

In his closing speech at Umno Annual General Assembly 2016, Zahid said Prime Minister Najib Razak has given him full powers to probe and counter the foreign funding and national sabotage issue.

Zahid highlighted that based on intelligence report the opposition have been using a method introduced by Gene Sharp the founder of ‘Advancing Freedom of Non-violence’.

Gene Sharp is also the founder of Albert Einstein institution funded by National Endowment Institute (NEI) said Zahid who is also the Home Minister.

He added that NEI is funded by billionaire George Soros through Open Society Foundation.

There are 188 methods that can be used to launch regime change with non-violence which one of the method is to use ‘colour revolution’ to topple a democratic government.

Among the countries affected through this colour revolutions are Czechoslovakia, Georgia, Ukraine, Lebanon, Kuwait and Iraq.

Zahid said based on the intelligence report, in our country Suaram, Bersih, Bar Council, Malaysiakini and Sarawak Report have been receiving the foreign funding.

