MCA has never shied away from taking on DAP

Leong Kim Soon

(The Star) – MCA has never been afraid of taking on the DAP, says its Youth wing secretary-general Datuk Leong Kim Soon (pic).

He was responding to Umno Youth vice-chief Khairul Azwan Harun, who claimed that there were many MCA members who wished to see their leaders be more outspoken against their political enemies, particularly DAP.

Leong said Khairul should leave his comfort zone and speak to the grassroots to find out why the Chinese community had rejected Barisan.

The reason, he said, was because of “one after another slanderous remarks from Umno leaders”.

“Every year during the Umno annual general assembly, Umno leaders will make extremist remarks and hurt the Chinese community, which led to the drop in the support from the Chinese voters.

“Other Barisan component parties have had to bear the consequences of their outrageous remarks. When there is a loss of Chinese votes, Umno will ultimately put all the blame on MCA and MCA becomes the scapegoat in the end. Is this their so-called BN spirit?” he said in a statement, Saturday.

He said it was because of this that efforts MCA made to woo back Chinese support were futile.

Leong also questioned the rationale behind Khairul’s attack on Liow.

“Will Khairul Azwan’s attack on MCA president help win votes? If not, then he should be cautious against creating any more trouble,” he said.

“For all to contest under the same banner, we supposedly have to uphold team spirit, and the negotiation mechanism among the component party members to reach a consensus,” said Leong.

