DAP man quits party, lost faith in Kit Siang and slams Mahathir partnership


(Malaysia Outlook) – DAP Chai Leng Park branch publicity secretary Shamsher Singh Thind has quit the party with immediate effect.

In releasing a press statement, Shamser said to have lost faith in the party leadership, especially with Lim Kit Siang.

He has tendered a month’s notice in writing to the DAP secretary general in accordance with Clause VI of the party constitution which was handed to the office on Nov 11.

“Kit Siang and other prominent opposition leaders have made criticism remarks against Mahathir and Muhyiddin in the past but now it has all changed.

“From what I see, either Kit Siang lied about Mahathir and Muhyiddin, or he has no problem working hand-in-hand with those who abused their powers and who were corrupt in the past.

“Whichever view is adopted, the point that I want to prove is that Kit Siang has lost his credibility.

“Although I admit that the country is not doing well at the moment, I refused to accept the fact that Najib Razak is the greater evil, compared to Mahathir and Muhyiddin.

“Even if Najib is so far the worst Prime Minister of Malaysia, what can Pakatan Harapan do with its former ally, PAS, and the newly formed Malay-based party,” Shamsher said.

He highlighted that according to Clause 5 of the Pakatan Harapan Agreement, the Presidential Council is given the power to make a final decision to decide whose candidate will contest in any particular constituency during an election, in the event the parties are unable to reach an agreement.

However, the Presidential Council failed to make the final decision and as direct result, both PKR and DAP contested against each other in six state seats during the Sarawak Election 2016.

“I am hopeful but not naive. If Pakatan leaders were unable to make a simple decision, which was very much within their powers, then, in crude term, what the hell can they do for Malaysia?

“The problem with Pakatan is that it loves to move first, think later. That may work in the game of chess but no one runs an effective government in this way.

“For example, PAS-led Kelantan state government passed the Hudud enactment in 1993 which, due to the limitations imposed by Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, remains unenforceable.

“However, in 2015, when Kelantan state government amended the 1993 enactment, one thing has led to the other and DAP reacted by cutting all ties with PAS, except in Selangor.

“My question is this,  If “no hudud policy” was so important to DAP, why it was never made a pre-condition that PAS should repeal the 1993 enactment before forming Pakatan Rakyat in 2008? From what I see, even after the 2015 amendment, the 1993 enactment is still in the same condition like before the amendment. It is still validly passed but remains unenforceable. So, why did the amendment cause so much of difference to DAP?” he questioned.


