Liow: DAP should be ashamed for hero worshipping Dr M


(The Star) – The DAP has come under fire for allowing former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to take centre stage at its national convention.

MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said DAP leaders were fond of preaching political principles but in reality never practised such values.

“This is the man who called DAP a racist party, which it still is, but now Dr Mahathir says it isn’t.

“This is the man who used the ISA (Internal Security Act) to put DAP leaders in jail but now they hug and kiss him.

“The DAP accused him of being a dictator but now they hero worship him,” he said in a statement Monday.

Liow, who is also Transport Minister, said that DAP leaders should be ashamed just as some members were now questioning them.

“Lim Guan Eng has totally abandoned political principles, just like he asked the Chinese to support PAS in the last general election,” he said.

He said Lim and the other DAP leaders campaigned hard for PAS, saying the Chinese voters must never forget their alliance.

“The DAP increased the number of PAS MPs via Chinese voters and now we have this ‘baby’ called Hadi’s Bill.

“They are now saying they are not responsible. What nonsense!” he said.

Liow urged DAP members to quit the party to show they believe in the politics of principles.

