Cinapeks M.I.A

1 - 3 stooges

Who is Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang?

KTemoc Konsiders

GEORGE TOWN: A group of protesters gathered outside the High Court in Light Street here today demanding Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng step down, just as the case management for the latter’s corruption case is taking place.

Screaming “Hidup YB Chow!”, some 50 people held placards demanding Lim be replaced by state executive councillor Chow Kon Yeow.

Leading the protests were Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang secretary Muhsin Lateef.

Mushin said Chow is a better pick as CM, as he was more approachable and “the saviour of Penangites”.

Lots of bullshit by bullshitters.

Who is Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang?

Well, read MM Online of 01 Oct which reported on an anti Penang (Pakatan) government campaign as follows (note what I’ve highlighted).

GEORGE TOWN, Oct 1 — Rumours have started circulating online that there will be a “red rally” outside the Penang government administrative headquarters in Komtar tomorrow, a day after Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang posted a leaked proposal from the state mufti’s office to ban the use of loudspeakers in mosques and surau other than for the azan.

Titled “Himpunan Merah Pulau Pinang” or the Red Rally in Penang in English, the demonstration seeks to pressure the DAP-led state government into withdraw the ban, even though officials have clarified the state did not make the decision.

A poster promoting the event has been shared through popular smartphone texting platform, WhatsApp as well as making the rounds on Facebook, but the source and the organiser of the rally remains unknown.

When contacted, Penang Perkasa Youth Mohd Rizuad Mohd Azudin denied any knowledge of the supposed rally.

Mohd Rizuad, who is also a member of Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang, had previously led demonstrations against the Penang government on issues concerning Malay and Muslim rights. He was a leading figure in the “Allah” demonstration last year.

“We are not organizing any demonstrations tomorrow on this, I won’t be there,” he told Malay Mail Online

In other words, there is a nexus between Perkasa and Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang, and now, with Ibrahim Ali playing astronaut, having abandoned the Maddy spaceship, also a nexus with UMNO.

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