DAP unceremoniously exposed in all its naked ugliness: Najib’s tour de force Umno delegates will long remember


Tunku Abdul Aziz, Malaysia Outlook

It had to be done, and done unceremoniously, brutally and unapologetically.

Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak on Dec 3, 2016, in front of some 3,000 Umno general assembly delegates did just that.

He took off his velvet gloves, threw down the gauntlet and took on the real enemy of the Malay race, in the shape of that shadowy Chinese political party that had long portrayed itself as a multi-racial organisation.

It was truly a tour de force.

DAP, the party in question, was exposed by Najib under the full glare of media publicity, in all its ugly nakedness.

He stripped off their political camouflage, layer by stinking, shameful layer, of Chinese political ambitions to dismantle the Malay political power base that had provided a solid foundation of the country’s successful leadership by Umno, spanning more than six decades of our post-colonial history.

It is the kind of leadership that has provided the impetus for the country’s enviable record for peace, stability and prosperity. Malaysia is a complex country to manage by any definition, and what Umno and its Barisan Nasional (BN) partners have achieved has really been nothing short of a miracle.

Najib, in a rare, and dare I say, uncharacteristic, departure, from his normally staid and measured tone, for a brief historically electrifying moment, left me and countless other Malays in absolutely no doubt at all when he declared, and I now paraphrase, that it would be the height of folly for them not to recognise and know the enemy.

1946 Pan-Malayan Malay Congress that gathered all the Malay associations to oppose Malayan Union (left) and Umno flag.

1946 Pan-Malayan Malay Congress that gathered all the Malay associations to oppose Malayan Union (left) and Umno flag.

Chinese supremacy

Looking every inch the undisputed leader that he had become since his moral victory over Mahathir and his assorted menagerie of charlatans, court jesters, blackmailers, common liars, character assassins, hired cyber assault troopers, carpet baggers, and his prized trophy, that white trash subsisting on the trash that she cynically purveys as the Sarawak Report, Najib wasted no time in reminding his audience in the most direct and brutally honest terms that the DAP, in their quest for Chinese political domination of the Malay race will stop at nothing to ensure a regime change.

The Malays must, therefore, come to terms with the fact that close to 95% of the Chinese in Malaysia have over the years thrown in their lot with the DAP’s “ketuanan Cina” (Chinese supremacy) political doctrine.

The Chinese have been brainwashed into believing that having held sway over the economic destiny of our country for longer than I care to remember, they have accepted as an article of faith that the time for them to assert their right to become Malaysia’s political masters has arrived.

What is the point of controlling the bulk of the country’s assets without a concomitant or corresponding political clout, they argue, not unreasonably?

Chin Peng at 1955 Baling Talks.

Chin Peng at 1955 Baling Talks.

Where Chin Peng, the proud son of Sitiawan, from where many DAP leaders originated, had failed to turn Malaya into a Chinese overseas republic, DAP by involving “open front” left-leaning NGOs such as Bersih, Malaysiakini and Suaram, to name just three, to spread lies at home and abroad, and exploiting fully the liberal, democratic provisions of our constitution relating to basic human rights, was confident it would succeed in turning the Malays as guests in their own country as they once nearly did when the Emergency was declared.

At that point in time, there were more alien Chinese than native Malays in Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

This is fact and not opinion.

Chin Peng, head of the murderous Chinese dominated and led militant Malayan Communist Party claimed that his jungle war was to save Malaya from the British for the Malays, Chinese and Indian.

The symbolic three Stars were to represent the three major races, multi-racialism in today’s terms.

Fast forward, Lim Kit Siang, a Chinese of another generation, the overlord of the chauvinist Chinese dominated and led so-called Democratic Action Party, also manages to create an equally spurious impression that his all-Malaysian political party is for all Malaysians.

He naturally omits to mention that in his democratic party, some are more equal than others with the family Lim on a reserved row of seats atop the party totem pole.

The irony of both Chin Peng’s and Kit Siang’s “hand on heart” claims is not lost on the ruddy Malays, the sworn secret enemy of the Chinese whom they have been “screwing” at every turn since the first rickety junk arrived in  Malay waters and discharged its derelict human cargo from the Middle Kingdom all those years ago.

