The Forced Union of Lim Kit Siang and Tun Mahathir; Like Trying to Mix Oil and Vinegar!

Mahathir Kit Siang

Malaysian Observer

DAP-led Pakatan Harapan de-facto leader Lim Kit Siang, just like his nemesis cum political bed-mate Tun Mahathir are both devoid of any fresh ideas to what to do next either separately or mixed together like vinegar and oil to unseat Prime Minister Najib Razak.

The two aging former political adversaries are deluded in believing that can chart the course of Malaysia’s politics from the same ship.

The problem is that while on the surface they try to present the impression that they are working together; the truth is that their working together is more akin to that of oil forced to mix with vinegar; it doesn’t work.  There is a continual need to shake things up to get the momentary taste of togetherness.

However, when there is the absence of anything to agitate the mixture, each will eventually fight for its own identity to come to the forefront.

Such is the case of Lim Kit Siang and Tun Mahathir.

They both require their mutual dislike (for their own reasons) for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to keep things agitated enough for them to mix.

That is why they do not want things to quiet down politically for any length of time.  They both know that if there is no issue that they can throw at the Prime Minister, then their true feelings and angst about each other and each other’s political party would once again rise to the surface.

Both Lim Kit Siang and Tun Mahathir view this unnatural non-cohesive mixture they have (like oil and vinegar) necessary for their political agendas to come to materialize.

The benefit for Lim Kit Siang is like those restaurant owners who try to present their establishment as being halal; so they hire a few ladies wearing tudungs in order to draw in Malay customers.

In the same way Lim Kit Siang needs Malays/Bumis around the DAP to give the impression that his party (DAP) is halal.  That is why they put up with PKR, have enticed Amanah to break away from PAS and even allowed Tun Mahathir to enter their sanctum.


