Dr Hatta: Amanah to contest all PAS seats in next general election

Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli

(The Star) – Parti Amanah Negara will field candidates in all seats that PAS contests in the next general election, said Federal Territory Amanah chairman Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli.

He added that Amanah did not want to touch any PKR or DAP seats because both parties were friends of Amanah.

“We have to respect our partners as they have their plans,” he said in his speech at the Amanah National Convention on Sunday.

Dr Hatta however asked where Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia would stand in the next general election if Amanah fought PAS for seats.

“If DAP doesn’t give any seats, where will they contest? We can always adjust and give the seats, and so will PKR and DAP, ” he said.

Dr Hatta said that they could share the seats.

“There are 222 seats,” he added.

Meanwhile, Amanah president Mohamad Sabu said the party would focus on Johor in the next general election.

“We will go to Johor, then to Malacca,  Negeri Sembilan and Kelantan,” he said during his closing speech at the Amanah National Convention.

Mohamad –  or popularly known as Mat Sabu – added that he knew Kelantan will be a difficult state to contest in.

“However, when they change their vote they change in a group,” he said.

Mat Sabu added that Barisan Nasional would have a bright chance of winning in Kelantan if Amanah did not step up in the state.

“But if Amanah steps up, we will be the people’s choice in Kelantan,” he said.

Mat Sabu also shared his experience of standing for elections in Kelantan in 1995 where he won with a huge majority.

“My win shows that the people in Kelantan have an independent mind,” he said.

