Selangor Ruler warns rabble-rousers posing as NGOs

Selangor Sultan

(The Star) – Selangor Ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has taken to task certain quarters that rabble rouse in the guise on non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

In his royal address, in conjunction with his 71st birthday’s investiture ceremony, Sultan Sharafuddin said these groups of people hid behind NGOs which tried to create communal strife by generating chaos that threatened the nation’s stability and safety.

“The actions of these unfavourable groups must be stopped without any compromise in order gain the people’s, tourists’ and foreign investors’ confidence,” said Sultan Sharafuddin.

The Ruler said it was his wish Selangor’s multi-racial community continued to enjoy camaraderie, cooperation and mutual respect especially in matters concerning race, religion and political ideology.

Sultan Sharafuddin also said the development and prosperity enjoyed by Selangor will continue if leaders at all levels – be it political, community or religious – as well as the state’s civil servants are able to work together with honesty and sincerity.

One-hundred-and-one people received various titles and awards from Sultan Sharafuddin at Istana Alam Shah Sunday.

Sultan Sharafuddin’s consort Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin and the Raja Muda of Selangor, Tengku Amir Shah, who both received the Darjah Kerabat Selangor Yang Amat Dihormati (DK), headed the list of recipients this year.

Archbishop of South-East Asia’s Anglican Church and Bishop of Kuching Datuk Bolly Lapok,received the Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS) which comes with the title Datuk.

This year’s investiture ceremony is extra special as it is the first time, after becoming the state’s Ruler, that Sultan Sharafuddin has a consort by his side.

It is also the first investiture after the Raja Muda’s official proclamation as Selangor’s crown prince.

