Small band of supporters at Anwar’s last grasp at freedom


(MMO) – Around 100 people have gathered for the Federal Court’s decision on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s bid to review his Sodomy II conviction, a shadow of the crowd that had been there when he was acquitted by the High Court.

The crowd is also further deterioration from the one that was at the Palace of Justice in October last year, when Anwar filed his application for the apex court to review its own decision.

Those present today wore T-shirts urging for Anwar to be released and held placards demanding “Justice for Anwar”.

A makeshift stage has been set up on the steps of a building adjacent to the court complex and breakfast was served to those who have turned up.

PKR vice president Chua Tian Chang was among those who spoke on stage and asked for the people to stand behind Anwar, whom he claimed to be a victim of “political persecution”.

“Anwar shouldn’t be in jail. He is fighting for us and the country. It is wrong for him to be inside,” Chua said.

Other notable opposition figures present included DAP’s Lim Kit Siang as well as Parti Amanah Negara’s (Amanah) Dr Siti Mariah and Datuk Husam Musa, while Anwar’s family was already inside the court complex.

The Federal Court will decide today whether it will review a decision by a previous panel that upheld Anwar’s conviction and sentence for sodomy, which was handed down by the Court of Appeal.

It will be the PKR de facto leader’s final legal avenue to contest the decision against him for sodomising former political aide Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Anwar and his supporters have maintained that the conviction was part of a political conspiracy, which is the basis of his application for a review.

