Did Lim Guan Eng really go to jail for defending a Malay girl?


LGE did not go to jail for defending a Malay girl who was raped (since this allegation no longer exist) but for distributing false news and inciting the people based on a faulty allegation.

LSS Report

A common line used by DAP is that “Lim Guan Eng went to jail for defending a Malay girl who was raped”.

Unfortunately, it is not exactly all true – not even by half. Maybe 10% true.

Did you know that Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng used to hate the guts of Gopal Sri Ram, Anwar’s lead counsel in the Sodomy II final appeal?

This is what actual happened.

In 1997, Lim Guan Eng (LGE) was sentenced by the Malacca high court for maliciously printing false news under the Printing Press and Publications Act 1984 and under the Sedition Act 1948.

LGE was found to have been guilty of spreading allegations that the then Melaka Chief Minister Rahim Tamby Chik had raped an under-aged girl.

His original sentence was just a fine of maximum RM5,000 fine for the sedition charge and RM10,000 fine for “false news” charge  but no jail term.

The case then went to the Court of Appeals.


