Amanah says no to union with PKR

Salahuddin Ayub

(MMO) – Parti Amanah Negara dismissed today suggestions for the party to merge with PKR, saying it has a clear role to play within the Pakatan Harapan opposition pact.

Deputy president Salahuddin Ayub said Amanah was established to advance the struggle for a more progressive and inclusive brand of Islam in place of PAS, and the party was also a founding member of the pact.

“Amanah together with its partners Keadilan and DAP established Pakatan Harapan. Now with the presence of PPBM, the role played by both Amanah and PPBM are crucial in the effort to unseat Barisan Nasional,” he said, referring to Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.

“Therefore as a leader representing Amanah and its members feel the issue of a Amanah-PKR merger does not arise,” he said in a statement.

The idea for Amanah and PKR to merge was mooted by PKR deputy president and Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali.

Amanah was set up by former leaders of PAS who left the Islamist party after a fallout with the Ulama-leaning leadership.

PAS had been part of the Pakatan Rakyat pact, which collapsed following its disagreements with DAP over the push for Islamic law.

While Azmin has attempted to rekindle ties with PAS, Amanah had made it clear that it was not interested in co-operating with its former party comrades.

It has since called on Azmin to focus on reinforcing Pakatan Harapan and drop any efforts to court PAS back.
