Jamal’s resort torn down for operating without licence

Jamal Resort

(The Star) – A resort belonging to Red Shirts leader Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos has been demolished by the Sabak Bernam District Council (MDSB) in Sekinchan.

According to an MDSB notice, the resort was operating without a valid licence under the Hotel Bylaws (Sabak Bernam Municipal Council) 2013.

Jamal, who is also Sungai Besar Umno division chief, claimed in a Facebook posting that the demolition was carried out on the orders of Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali.

“In the morning, they pasted a notice (at the resort), and in the afternoon they demolished it.

“This is an act of revenge by the state government because of my criticism of Azmin’s leadership,” he said.

Jamal claimed that what he has done so far has been for the people of Selangor who have suffered from water disruptions.

On Wednesday, Jamal with only towels guarding his modesty, staged a water cut protest at the entrance of the Mentri Besar’s office in Shah Alam.

He demanded to shower at the Menteri Besar’s office following a water cut at his house in Ampang.

Meanwhile, DAP’s Sekinchan assemblyman Ng Suee Lim published pictures of the demolition of the resort in a Facebook post.

