Sin Chew rebukes Penang CM’s office over ‘bias’ claim


(FMT) – There is no bias against the Penang government nor its chief minister, Lim Guan Eng, in the way news reports are carried, Sin Chew Daily said yesterday.

Denying accusations that statements by the Penang CM’s office are either relegated to the northern region edition only, or not published altogether, the Chinese daily said any report published is left to the discretion of its team of editors.

In a strongly-worded statement published yesterday, the vernacular paper rebuked the Penang CM’s office, and especially Lim’s press secretary Cheong Yin Fan, for sending many letters accusing Sin Chew of not giving Lim’s statements due exposure in the national edition of the paper.

Calling such accusations “unreasonable”, Sin Chew said the Penang CM’s ofice has no right to dictate what is published in their paper nor which edition too.

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