Dr M says new love for Anwar, Kit Siang is political expedience


(MMO) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he is working with old rivals Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang as they now share a common political foe.

Dr Mahathir, a former prime minister from the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, now chairs the opposition party Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) and was commenting on his apparent rapprochement with the two former nemeses.

“In any struggle, any war, the enemy of your enemy is your friend,” he said at a forum here last night.

Dr Mahathir said he has had to adjust his priorities, and that his feelings towards Anwar or Lim are just “minor” things compared to their common goal to see a change in the ruling government.

Dr Mahathir said unity among the federal opposition is required to achieve the goal and avoid multi-cornered fights during elections, adding that he had to forget about his feelings to work with other opposition parties in a coalition.

On September 5, Dr Mahathir shook hands with Anwar in their first meeting in 18 years since the former had sacked the latter as deputy prime minister in 1998.

He had until then maintained that Anwar was guilty of the sodomy and corruption charges from 1998.

Dr Mahathir had also earlier this month turned up for the first time at the national convention of the 60-year-old DAP and praised the party for using the national language in its party song and convention debates.

Dr Mahathir and Lim are contemporaries and rivals who had ― until their new collaboration ― accused each other of racism.

On December 13, Dr Mahathir’s PPBM signed an agreement with opposition pact Pakatan Harapan to form an electoral pact before the 14th general election ― which must be held by 2018 ― to face Barisan Nasional.

Pakatan Harapan comprises PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara. Anwar is the de facto leader of PKR, while Lim is DAP’s parliamentary leader.


