Why not Lim Kit Siang answer my question for a change?


Salleh Said Keruak

Lim Kit Siang has been posing a series of questions to me: so far 35. However, while he dresses them up to look like questions, they are actually statements disguised as questions. This is the normal tactic of disguising statements as questions leaving the person you are addressing them to very little room to reply.

If Kit Siang wants to make a statement or an allegation why not he just do that? Why pretend he is asking questions when he is not really asking questions? He just wants to make allegations. However, to avoid being taken to task for making false or misleading allegations, he dresses them up as questions and if cornered he can defend himself by saying he is not alleging but is just asking.

Anyway, many of those ‘questions’ Kit Siang posed have already been replied by other members of the Cabinet. Kit Siang is actually aware of this but he is playing the game of pretending he does not know this.


