Khairuddin slams PPBM double standards over sex claims


Former member questions party for removing Anina Saadudin as women’s wing chief while party chief remains despite sworn statement over his alleged sex scandal.

(FMT) – A former Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) founding member has criticised the double standards in the fledgling party over the handling of allegations of a sex scandal against one of its younger leaders.

Khairuddin Abu Hassan said if Anina Saadudin was penalised over such allegations, then PPBM president Muhyiddin Yassin should also face the consequences for similar allegations made against him.

He said that to make sure the party was seen as fair, Muhyiddin should at least come clean on the alleged affair he had with the wife of a former deputy public prosecutor.

“PPBM should take proactive action to stop this issue from being used as a weapon for Umno in the next general election,” the vocal politician said in a statement today.

His call came following Anina’s confirmation that she was stripped of her post as PPBM Srikandi (Women’s wing) chief, believed to be over the sex scandal she was implicated in.

Last June, Muhyiddin denied having an affair with another man’s wife, after blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin published a statutory declaration issued by a former deputy public prosecutor in his divorce case.

Muhyiddin also accused Umno leaders of resorting to dirty tactics to smear his name.

Meanwhile, PPBM’s vice-president Hamidah Osman denied any involvement with the party’s decision to remove Anina from the post she had assumed since the formation of PPBM.

“I have been accused by those who just entered the political arena, of wanting the Srikandi chief post to myself. This is impossible as I am the party’s vice-president.

“I can’t hold two posts at the same time. That is impossible, the party would not allow this to happen,” she said in a Facebook post last night.

The former Sungai Rapat assemblyman also dismissed rumours of her wanting the position for her younger sister, Hamizura.

“This too, is not possible. How can you have both of us in the leadership lineup, as if this party belongs to us.

“Besides, Hamizura is still young, and has insufficient experience to lead Srikandi,” she said, adding that her sister had refused to take up any positions in the wing.

Anina yesterday told FMT she had been informed last week by PPBM’s deputy president Mukhriz Mahathir and secretary-general Shahruddin Md Salleh that she was no longer the head of the women’s wing.

