Yearly Archives


Umno told to beware of allies, not DAP

“Once the DAP pleases the Chinese, these parties would then want to please the Chinese more to show that they are better than DAP.” (FMT) - Umno should be cautious in its relationship with MCA,…

Najib on wearing two hats

(The Star) - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak says he always faces a dilemma of whether he should speak as party president or the Prime Minister at Umno general assemblies. He said that his audience…

Infidel Castro

SeaDemon Says When Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz passed on three days ago, the world gave the event a mixed reaction.  Today, for the first time in 13 years Cuban dissidents have called off their…

MCA: coward or traitor?

MCA is DAP’s running dog. But then MCA has no choice if it wants to remain relevant. There are only 45-46 seats that the Chinese can win and DAP ‘owns’ all of them. But DAP is prepared to donate 7-8…

Mursyidul Am: ‘Pas bukan gila kuasa’

(Sinar Harian) - Kita letak syarat sebab kita tak mahu kalau kita menang, timbul masalah lain, jadi konflik, perebutan (jawatan dan kuasa).  Itu kita nak elak. MIRSYIDUL Am Pas, Hashim Jasin…

A solution to RUU 355

This is a satirical piece meant to make my fellow Malaysians reflect on just how stupid the discussion on RUU 355 is becoming. Mak Khuin Weng Dear Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Allow me to…

Name and shame the RBA too

Lor Ka Hoo and wife Tan Sit Fun’s bullying of an MBSA traffic officer was recorded on a viral video clip. The couple have been charged and sentenced to a fine and a fortnight’s jail. Cyber bullies…

MCA: DAP’s running dog

DAP says MCA is Umno’s running dog. Actually MCA is DAP’s running dog. MCA is so scared of DAP that they are serving DAP’s political agenda to make sure that they do not upset the Chinese voters.…

Shameless Sewer Statesman

Big Dog Dot Com Former founder of UMNO Baru and recent dissent party Pribumi Bersatu is a shameless Statesman when the larger part of DAP is still demonstrating their animosity and distrust on…

MCA not against Act 355, says Liow

(AFP) - MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai today said that the party did not oppose the PAS’ private bill seeking to empower the Syariah courts. He said there had been a misunderstanding on…

Why Chinese are ignorant

Sun Tzu’s very basic teaching is to know your enemy. For 20 years I have been telling the Chinese they need to know the Malay-Muslim mind if they want to engage the Malays-Muslims. But the Chinese…