Yearly Archives


Laman web kritik 1MDB disekat

(Sinar Harian) - SEKURANG-kurangnya 39 laman web termasuk yang menyiarkan kritikan terhadap isu 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan sentimen agama Islam  disekat oleh kerajaan sepanjang tahun…

Whose fault is it we are ‘poor’?

We complain about today’s cost of living. How simple life was back in the olds days when RM750 a month can support a family. And we blame Najib, Umno, Barisan Nasional and the government for that.…

The hypocrisy of Najib Razak

Najib’s comments will only further harden local opinion against the international community. That’s going to make the situation worse for Rakhine State’s Muslims. Thanks for nothing, Najib.…

Give more Chinese schools…or what?

I think the Dong Zong people and those who go to Chinese schools somehow see the word ‘moron’ tattooed on Najib’s forehead. The message the Chinese have sent Najib and Umno is that their future…

Justo released from Thai prison

(Reuters) - Thailand on Tuesday freed from prison a Swiss man jailed for blackmail and attempted extortion in a case linked to a scandal over Malaysian state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad…

Amanah says no to union with PKR

(MMO) - Parti Amanah Negara dismissed today suggestions for the party to merge with PKR, saying it has a clear role to play within the Pakatan Harapan opposition pact. Deputy president Salahuddin…

Agihan kerusi pembangkang kritikal

(Sinar Harian) - Pakatan pilihan raya atau pengagihan kerusi dalam pilihan raya oleh pakatan pembangkang sangat kritikal dalam merealisasikan strategi satu lawan satu. Penganalisis politik…