Born From Hate; 2017 May Bring The End Of Mahathir’s PPBM!

Muhyiddin Nika

The Malaysian Observer

As the Gregorian calendar flipped from the 2016 over to 2017 there were celebrations marked by fireworks and partying in one form or another.   However while many celebrate new beginnings, 2017 may be the end to PPBM a party that was born out of hate and bitterness.  Yes, this hate and bitterness was from its founder Tun Mahathir; a man who could not have things his own way so he attempted to sink the very ship that has comfortably sailed on over the years.

They say that there is a thin line between love and hate.  Mahathir venomous rage against Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Razak proved that the line is thinner than many could imagine.  Tun Mahathir tried his level best to undermine and hamper any good Najib was doing.  As far as Tun Mahathir was concerned, even Najib’s good was seen as corrupt.

All of this hate and bitterness was because the Prime Minister Najib Razak refused to listen to Mahathir, refused to straighten out the snag in with the crooked bridge and did not help position his son Mukhriz to have an easy path to become Prime Minister around 2021.

In the face of all of those negative results, Mahathir was like a man in need of love after his wife’s rejection.  But instead of looking at what he was doing wrong, he like some do; looked for love in all the wrong places.

Mahathir was so distraught he was like a drunk man who crawls into bed with someone (Lim Kit Siang) that had Mahathir been of sound mind, he would never had ventured to see.

After a few unsuccessful dates (Sarawak, Sungai Besar, Kuala Kangsar) with DAP led Pakatan, Mahathir thought he would attempt to start his own political party.  But many wonder if initially Mahathir really wanted to start the party.  There are those who are of mind that Mahathir hoped that government would cause problems with his (Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia) party’s registration that he could claim special victim status.

Unfortunately for Mahathir, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (PPBM) registration went through without a glitch.  The left Tun Mahathir without a victim’s card to play and even worse, he now had a party that like Pakatan Harapan, had no clear objective.


