Mahathir and Azmin on BR1M: Amnesia or Idiocy?


Azmin Ali has forgotten the privileges that the rakyat of Selangor are entitled to and sanctioned by him. Allow me to refresh his sudden amnesia.

KS Lee

Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain –  Friedrich Schiler

Incredible as it may seem the payment of  BR1M to the less fortunate in our society to help  alleviate some of the many problems they are facing seems to have agitated both Mahathir and Azmin Ali, to the extent of unhinging them!

Azmin Ali has forgotten the privileges that the rakyat of Selangor are entitled to and sanctioned by him. Allow me to refresh his sudden amnesia.

1. Aid for new born babies (TAWAS)……………………….RM1,500.00

2. Nursery assistance ( SiKembar )………………………….RM100.00

3. Pre- school assistance  ( TUNAS ) ……………………….RM50.00

4. University students aid                  ………………………..RM1,000.00

5. *Funeral expenses ( SMUE )         ………………………..RM2,500.00

6. Microcredit business loans HIJRAH) up to …………..RM50,000.00

7. Free water

8. Wedding (Insentif Perkahwinan)               …………..RM500.00

9. Free Mammogram

10. Free SPM Tuition

11. Free Rakyat Dialysis Centre

* Of course it must be noted that though these payments have been gazetted by the Selangor government, the payments do not always reach the rakyat. This is mainly due to the indifference of the ‘aduns’. The *SMUE payments are not being paid out systematically, particularly in the Bukit Gasing constituency. The bereaved family are not treated with sympathy by the adun and his inconsiderate staff who are downright rude. Some of the claimants have been given the first installment. But not the second  installment and being asked to re-submit the forms. How many times have the forms to be re-submitted?

When compared to the pay outs made by Selangor, the BR1M payment is a  drop in the ocean. To use Mahathir’s terminology, Azmin Ali is a master ‘Pemberi Dedak’. Yet, he has the gall to classify BR1M as ‘sogok’ or ‘bribe’. As explained in the paragraph above, these payments are given with one hand and taken back with the other hand.

Penang too has such programmes. But both Mahathir and Azmin Ali have not commented on these programmes.

Azmin considers it political expediency to support Mahathir, in this context. A further consideration for such a declaration would be to contradict and challenge Wan Azizah who has said BR1M is not a bribe; even to the extent of being seen as mindless.

Concerning Mahathir Mohamad, many have stopped taking his blithering seriously. Having been Prime Minister for 22 years, it is shocking he does not know what other countries are doing to help the less fortunate.

Payments such as BR1M are normal procedure in many countries. For example, in the United States programmes such as SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low- income individuals and families. Food stamps are also given to the less fortunate in society.

Such programmes are carried out not only in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany but in many other countries. Mahathir knows of these practices very well but is feigning ignorance.

His raves and rants make one thing very clear – he has run out of ammunition to attack the Prime Minister and the ruling government.

Of people like Mahathir, the French Philosopher, Michel de Montaigne aptly says: “Stubborn and ardent clinging to one’s opinion is best proof of stupidity”


