2017 Is Going To Be A Gay And Happy Year

Rahmat Omar

SeaDemon Says

Almost 20 years ago, Mahathir appeared on international TV talking about his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim and his sexual tendencies.  Mahathir went on to describe what would now be termed as “too-much-information” the acts committed by Anwar with his sex partners.  It was definitely a gay time for Mahathir (pun not intended) having control of the media and running down his then protégé.  As a matter of fact, Mahathir repeated his stand against homosexuality in 2014.

Gay people are not believers of Islam, said Mahathir

Gay people are not believers of Islam, said Mahathir

Last year, Mahathir did an about turn by showing his support for the release of Anwar Ibrahim, the man he put into jail and accused him of being gay.  This was a surprise to many knowing that Mahathir is a man who would never bend over (again pun not intended) for anything, but bend over he did for Anwar.  To political observers, his move was perhaps to ensure that he remains relevant in the current struggle for power and not disappear into the oblivion.


Together with his son Mukhriz and daughter Marina he continued his relentless attacks on the Najib administration like nobody’s business no matter how stupid it looks, hiding behind the laurels of his past to justify his unbecming behaviour.

Another member of his family has just entered the fray by attacking Najib Razak on his Facebook account. Mazhar Mahathir, an adopted son of Mahathir since 1983 saw it fit to join in the fray perhaps to be recognised as a true Ben Mahathir.

mazhar mahathir


