Is Muhyiddin Keeping The Light Off Himself By Shinning It On Anina?


(Malaysian Observer) – Some say the best defence is a good offensive.

That is what former deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin appears to be doing; Keeping the light of scrutiny pointed towards someone, anyone else; in this case it is former (yes/no/might have been) Party Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) women’s chief.

Muhyiddin Yassin’s accession is that she was sacked because she was not up to the job.  I guess she was up to the task until those juicy sexting’s came to light; then it was all bets are off.

Just like magic, Pakatan Harapan’s brand of politics is all about illusion; focus the rakyat’s attention on one thing and away from anything of significance.  At the moment it seems that Pribumi is putting all of their eggs in Muhyiddin’s basket.

So in Pribumi’s rationale, taking extra liberties with another man’s wife is less offensive than cybersexting.   Or does it really come down to Pribumi (Tun Mahathir) seeing Muhyiddin as being more valuable than Anina for the ultimate goal; installing Mukhriz Mahathir as Prime Minister in the next (never going to happen) few years.   After all, it would be easier to try and ram Muhyiddin down the throats of the pubic than Anina.

As assets go, Anina does not carry the same value as a former deputy Prime Minister; even one with a lackluster (other than his scandal) past.

In fact, some wonder if Tun Mahathir is just using Muhyiddin as a carrot with the hope of getting a few bites then when more information is learned about his (Muhyiddin’s) alleged affair Mahathir can quickly replace him with his son Mukhriz.


