HRH Johor: Mahathir used race for selfish, opportunistic motives


KTemoc Konisders

Star OnlineJohor Ruler slams Dr M over Chinese investment comments

Ironically the man who de-fanged the royals for their untoward activities is now being chastised by one of them for his untoward nonsense.

I urge you to read the article yourself. It’s an excellent criticism of Mahathir’s current evil. I use the word ‘evil’ in accordance with what HRH Johor had said him, to wit:

Mahathir has earned himself the title of Maharaja Belakang Pusing. There have been too many to list here for now. But worse, as I have posted often enough, HRH confirms Mahathir uses racial issues or turns his politicised issues into racial ones, just to get his way.

I am deeply disappointed with the DAP for entertaining and allying themselves with this old evil man. They have forgotten the words of Ramkarpal Singh, who carries his father’s legacy of the highest political propriety, to say the DAP should not work with Mahathir.

In April 2015 the now-defunct TMI published a news report titled Working with Dr M to remove PM will be a ‘disaster’, Pakatan told.

In that report we read Ramkarpal’s opinion on working with Mahathir (extracts):

“The question of working with Dr Mahathir is an unimaginable disaster waiting to happen.”

Ramkarpal said that working with Dr Mahathir would mean that PR would just be maintaining the status quo of a Mahathirist regime, allowing “corruption to continue”.

And last year Ramkarpal’s sister, Sangeet Kaur Deo, must have been equally alarmed by LKS’ dalliance with his former archfoe, perhaps compelled by his anxious desire to win the next general election whatever it takes (even with Mahathir) so as to end on a glorious chapter to his almost half a century of political struggle, since 1969.

Sangeet Kaur

Sangeet Kaur was compelled to state during debates at the DAP national conference (via MM Online):

“I want to clarify at this stage that it was interesting to see Tun Mahathir in support of Maria’s release when it was him that was instrumental in the cruel enforcement of the ISA.” 

Mahathir has certainly earned his dubious sobriquet of Maharaja Belakang Pusing.

But Sangeet Kaur has been aware of Mahathir’s all-too-apparent hypocrisy. She ought to know how evil Mahathir had been when it was his draconian regime that incarcerated her father Karpal Singh three times, in 1987, 1989 and 2000.

