Mahathir’s BR1M Boomerang Lands In His Mouth!


(Malaysian Observer) – Tun Mahathir continuously throws things out only to have them come back like a boomerang and land in his mouth!

Not too long ago Tun Mahathir heavily criticized the government’s 1Malaysia’s People’s Aid (BR1M) saying it was corruption equating it to a bribe. (here)

Now he says that it is okay in that it is helping the poor.  With this latest about turn Mahathir credibility is further damaged.

We all remember how Tun Mahathir assertions of billions of 1Malaysia Development Berhad funds vanishing, increasing in amount, decreasing and then exceeding the original figure he threw out there.

What about his stand on Lim Kit Siang and the DAP; Mahathir’s desperation has caused him to share the same political bed with a man whom he would not previously share the same oxygen with.

Speaking of bed, Mahathir seems to have also forgotten how he said that Datuk Ibrahim was immoral; now they are snuggling up.

 He also said the West, Soros and a slew of others were bad, but again does a complete about face when it helps his purpose.  Like the DAP-led opposition, Mahathir is only good at criticizing.

Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak said the change in stand by Dr Mahathir showed the opposition were only good at criticizing the policies implemented by Barisan Nasional (BN).

Salleh further stated “However, they do not see what the BN government has done in the interest of the people,” (here)

It seems that Tun Mahathir is so angered at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak that even when the Prime Minister does positive things for the nation, Mahathir cannot accept it.


