Only the truth and nothing but the truth, I so swear?


Telling half truth is as good as telling a fairy story, even fairy tales has got more substance in many cases.

Raymond Tan

Many of us are fighting for a noble cause, that assignment as we know is for the betterment of our own kind, the human race. One might ask as to what extent is this so called evolution? Well, to begin with, let’s talk about integrity to the core because that’s the only thing standing in our way. With that mentioned, the press, bloggers, whistleblowers, politicians, lawyers, activist and hypocrites included, must have faith to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Remember, if it is not that right, then it is definitely wrong. Telling half truth is as good as telling a fairy story, even fairy tales has got more substance in many cases. I only ask of you to do the right thing while your conscience is still within, hopefully.

Everything about the truth is for and about the future and the only way to achieve fullness, one must completely dissolve and abandon all bias made decisions. In deep sense, what’s left undone needs to be dealt with and those intimidation be rectified to enable true heights, with no lies nor even a tiny bit of misconception. The main reason we are in a mess is because of ignorances, Malaysian politics is like “drama swasta (public drama)” with no intelligence nor pride. It is ego based with hypocrisies to the highest degree. Some will even sell God’s name to defend political agendas and to propagate God’s so called will. Isn’t God based on free will? Freely doesn’t mean stupidly or recklessly  If you know the so called law is unfair in certain ways, why support and why not voice out for that change especially knowingly that it is not God’s Law? No, that is not God’s will but your algorithm. What enlightenment is there if lacks sincerity?

I did not write this out of frustration but I know that it is time for that boost, however I admit having listened and read enough of bias write ups which often pisses me off. Many of us demanded for “full disclosure” and not partial. As they say, no stones should be left unturned. The end of the tunnel is near, to catch the light you must find faith in God, that’s you yourself, your conscience. So, go and be a man or a woman for once before you disgrace the shit out of the ancestors. And for those who supports political parties without talking about bringing fairness in policies, hell awaits.

“I know that we can’t put everyone in jail but we can put them aside”

