Bloomberg’s fair consideration, Tun’s false conclusion


See how an otherwise valid concern has been deliberately entangled in a web of spin. Spin that has been spun out of control by the ex-premier for his own selfish political ends

By Lukman Sheriff, Tanjak

I have held back writing on the current state of Malaysian politics since the whole local landscape has become just too messy.

But of late, Tun M’s political maneuverings and sleight of hand – particularly concerning investments made by China in Johor – caught my attention and compels me to write.

As someone who unabashedly admired Tun, I am reluctant to criticise his views. But when he sneakily resorts to misframing the argument, then one is obliged to respond.

The many misleading narratives created by him has left me very concerned for our economic and social wellbeing as a nation.

Our public deserves facts, not spin, and so people need to know what exactly transpired in order to untangle the deceitful web woven by, sadly, none other then a former premier.

The flabbergasting chutzpah of Tun

In November last year, Bloomberg published an article, ‘$100 billion Chinese-made city near Singapore ‘scares the hell out of everybody’ on the dizzying scale of the infrastructure projects invested by China.

Some of the concerns expressed by the Bloomberg article were, in my view, fair and somewhat valid.

The financial publication was concerned about the huge residential market created by the Iskandar corridor and in particular commercial buldings as part of the Forest City project.

The figure of 700,000 was mentioned once by Bloomberg and stated as follows:

“Country Garden’s Forest City, on four artificial islands, will house 700,000 people on an area four times the size of New York’s Central Park.”

Tun M then in his various ceramahs held throughout the country – the text of which was reproduced in various pro-opposition blogs such as Milo Suam as well as independent media such as – made the startling claim, which amounts to no more than just unfounded fearmongering.

He proclaimed that “700,000 Chinese nationals would possibly be given citizenship to vote in the coming 14th general election”.

While Tun M, as anyone, has the right to comment as per the issues raised in the original Bloomberg report, note the following quote in particular attributed to him:-

“Setakat memberi IC, mendaftar sebagai pengundi 700,000 orang asing adalah perkara biasa baginya. Mungkin tak sampai 700,000, mungkin lebih bukan masalah bagi Najib.”

It is a political potshot and an unwarranted one on China’s pumping in of money that is now being spun as a foreigh invasion.

Yet the above was Tun M’s incredible conclusion to further his own political ends.

Naturally such a baseless allegation merited a rebuke by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, who said, as reported by The Star on Jan 16:-

But Dr Mahathir has gone too far with his twisting of the issue. He is making allegations that 700,000 mainland Chinese will stay in JB, and that citizenships will be given away, and that huge tracts of land have been sold to the Chinese.”

Tun M read the report and then responded that he was willing to risk being arrested for committing the offence of lese majeste.

What?! From a reasonable issue, Forest City has been spun to 700,000 new Chinese Malaysian citizens and the victimhood of an incredulous lese majeste deflection.


