How M’sian liberals are screaming against khalwat raids, and undermining Islam


DANIAL ARIFF SHAARI, in the fourth and final part of his ‘Liberals’ series, urges that interference by non Muslims in Islamic matters has got to stop

(Tanjak) – The nonsensical claim that our religious authorities skodeng (go around spying on) people is untrue as otherwise the officer squads will be spread too thin — logically speaking.

They would not go to a particular location without a genuine complaint with authentic details provided of the suspected khalwat or illicit close proximity. There is actually a proper system for reporting syariah crimes, e.g. hotline Jais.

Their criticism is as if the liberals are saying — Why not challenge the syariah criminal justice system?

Well, let it be known to the libs that Muslims take exception to their inteference in our religious affairs.

One example illustrating this ‘attack’ Islam phenomenon can be mined from a news item titled ‘Lawyer: Muslims can challenge khalwat offence‘ published in the Free Malaysia Today portal on 7 Dec 2016.

I am saddened by the misperceptions that the pathetic FMT, together with a few other liberal media outlets, have been disseminating to the non-Muslim communities.

Additionally, some of these ‘concerned’ (read: interfering) non Muslims go to the extent of claiming that syariah criminal offences should not even exist in the first place alongside civil offences enumerated under the Penal Code.


