From outspoken Bahri, and now a pursy?


(PRU14) – At one point the name Bahri Mohamad Zain became known among the oppositions as he is fond of issuing statements against PM Najib Razak during the SRC International investigation was intensely debated. He was the Director of MACC’s Special Operations Division (SOD) in an agency highly regarded to combat the nation’s malpractices, corruptions and abuse of power and in particular among civil servants.

Portraying the image as a man with strong faith in his religion added with religious quotes in all his statements, no doubt that the public will be impressed thereby believing everything in his words. Regrettably, some would apply them to conceal misdeeds and all their abominations.

In making various claims about malpractices and continuously pointing fingers at other people’s mistakes, suddenly at the beginning of this year we were shocked by a copy of police report lodged by Bahri’s brother-in-law’s widow against him.

The lady namely Noraihan binti Che Ali stated that in her family’s bitter and twisted money-grabbing, her home in Kelantan was raided by a group of MACC Putrajaya Special Operation officers in which Bahri was the boss. Noraihan too confirmed in her report that the Putrajaya MACC’s officers presence were mere to investigate her and ransacked her home and hence seized it.

In her police report dated 1st March 2016, Noraihan questioned if it is within the MACC’s jurisdiction to interfere in her family’s affairs and in particular when it is pertaining her husband’s will. Since then, nothing had happened but the poor lady was treated nothing less than a rolling ball hurled back and forth between MACC office in Kota Bharu and Putrajaya.

Not only Noraihan was pressured by her late husband’s siblings to release the 100 million worth of assets, she was also served with fictitious accusations and humiliations from various parties that went spreading in the social media.

Eventually, Noraihan surfaced in her press conference last Friday. First, she had confirmed that Bahri’s second wife is her late husband’s sister who was also appointed as the second director in the business entities. She was also approached and coaxed by Bahri personally to agree to release the 100 million assets and a document was duly prepared for her and her 9 years old son’s initials.

Above all, she once again reaffirmed that the MACC officers who raided her home was from the Putrajaya Special Operations Division.

Noraihan Che Ali

It has been since more than 24 hours after Noraihan’s press conference, neither Bahri nor his second wife has come out with any counteract to deny or at least to defuse the situation. Even though Bahri has tendered his resignation from MACC, but Noraihan’s public claims not only could tarnish his reputation which also includes his second wife’s, now that MACC’s integrity is smeared too.

To the public’s eyes it is as though MACC is enjoying all the leverage to even interfere a family internal disputes as long as it involves the top gun’s interests. Bahri was the Director of MACC’s Special Operations Division during this commotion occurred and it was his direct subordinates who approved and involved in Noraihan’s investigations.

Knowing that during the SRC International controversy and his early resignation fuss, Bahri did not wait for too long and within 24 hours he would appear to the media lenses to respond but he seems to be a pussy that he remained silent to his in-law’s public accusations. WHY?

As the IGP has confirmed that this case is already in the Attorney General’s hands, MACC too should not rest on its laurels from conducting any internal investigation and not deafening to public’s interests, and if they are true it is an abuse of power of their top officials, it should go public too.


