Mahathir may blame memory lapses on old age!


(The Malaysian Observer) – In yet another U-Turn in less than a week (the first being his new support for BR1M), Tun Mahathir once again backtracks and now says that it was the MCA who asked for the post of deputy Prime Minister. (here)

This is the same Tun Mahathir who used to challenge audiences to check the full text of the speech that he is giving to see if he makes any mistakes.

Now for probably the first time here is Mahathir coming out and admitting he made a mistake without being first being asked to admit he made a mistake.

Why now and why not when he kept changing goal posts during his incessant claims about 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB) which were found to be incorrect.

Why did he not do so after he knew that he did not have anywhere close to the one million plus signature that he was initially so proud to have in his possession?

It seems that Tun Mahathir has also forgotten about his claim that he would keep his mouth closed, if he were to lose a popularity referendum against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Sarawak, Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar proved that there is no Mahathir factor.  And to drive the popularity referendum point further; the rakyat did not turn out to join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) nor did the flock to the streets during Tun Mahathir’s orchestrated turn up at Bersih 5!

Evidently Tun Mahathir did forget what he said because he is still talking and to Lim Kit Siang chagrin; talking too much.

Lim Kit Siang would have rather preferred any secret pack that would have him become the deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister remain secret.  In that way he could feign surprise when asked to accept the post. (here)

Now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag he cannot be happy.  Lim Kit Siang knows that Malays will not like the arrangement and the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan so called partners will feel duped.  The latter group will feel like a lover who just before the wedding finds out that the one whom they gave their love has eloped with someone else.

That is why Tun Mahathir’s most recent slippage has seriously muddled the waters of the secret arrangement that he supposedly entered with Lim Kit Siang which would make Kit Siang deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Mukhriz Mahathir Prime Minister if the Pakatan were to win the 14th general election.

