CIA report prompts revisit of BMF scandal

Jalil Ibrahim

KTemoc Konsiders

Sometimes we wonder which job in Malaysia in peacetime could be the most dangerous?

We aren’t taking about the 3D jobs (dirty, difficult and dangerous) that young Malaysians shun because of the social stigma associated with those jobs, but about jobs that could get one killed.

In most countries the fireman is probably one of the most dangerous professions, if not the most dangerous, but our Malaysian firemen seem to be lately preoccupied with penises stuck in bottles or rings, wakakaka.

More than 30 years ago I would dare say the most dangerous profession in Malaysia during peacetime was the financial auditor.

That profession could not just get the financial auditor killed but murdered. No doubt the result was the same but the process of being murdered must be far more dreadful (physically and for the family left behind, psychologically and emotionally) than getting killed in, say, a burning building or being shot (like a cop).

Maybe 40 years or so ago, my uncle recalled such a case in Penang where an Indian auditor was murdered with his body left in a drain somewhere in the Greenlane area, near Batu Lanchang Road.

He was not an Indian Malaysian but an expert financial auditor who was recruited from Mother India as a special consultant to examine some alleged untowards accounting in Penang. My uncle cannot remember what the issue was about, whether it was governmental or commercial business stuff. Maybe some of you can help.

But the naughty business in said accounting was such that he was murdered, presumably to stop his exposure of what did occur.

Another far more notorious case was the murder of Jalil Ibrahim, a young banker working with Bank Bumiputra in its Hong Kong branch of BMF (Bank Bumiputra Finance).

And don’t we Malaysians know of the notoriety and wretched failure of BMF in the Carrian Group scandal?

When the BMF started to smell like stinking fish, Jalil was sent to Hong Kong posing as an assistant banker to quietly probe into the bank’s reckless dodgy loans. He was murdered, and his body with a towelling cord around his neck was discovered in some rural estates in the New Territories of Hong Kong.


