MCA’s guerrilla war against Umno


It is high time to bid scissors-in-the-fold frenemy MCA a firm ‘adios’

By Faidhur Rahman Abdul Hadi, Tanjak

MCA should be afraid. Very afraid.

The party should in fact fear for its very survival. Not only is it disdained by the Chinese community but now by Malays as well.

One Malay-Muslim NGO has already stated that it will mark the names of MPs representing Malay-majority areas who vote against the Syariah (Courts) Criminal Jurisdiction 1965 amendments. The secretariat of Ummat Menyokong Memperkasakan Akta 355 plan to go to the ground to campaign against the targeted MPs in the next general election.

Perkasa has similarly announced that it will be fielding its Malay candidates against MCA president Liow Tiong Lai and Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong in GE14.

What’s the point of treating MCA with kid gloves when it is blatantly rude and insensitive to the right of Muslims to practice our own religion.

Perhaps the MCA should indeed do as Raja Petra Kamarudin has suggested and actually leave the BN. For good, and good riddance. Its continued presence does nothing for anyone.

Since RPK has already told MCA to “berambus”, I shall merely add  “adios” — a flippant salutation popularised by DAP Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi in relation to Tuan Guru Harun Din’s demise.

What goes around comes around.


