Lim Kit Siang’s greatest fear; Malays united!

lim kit siang

(The Malaysian Observer) – These days Lim Kit Siang may have a few more fears in his life one of which may be his son being sent to prison over the bungled bungalow scandal. (here)

However his son doing a little time behind bars may pale in comparison to Lim Kit Siang’s greatest; that of a politically united Malay front.  The thought of this has to have the elder politician up at night scheming how to keep that from taking place through “Divide and Rule”

It seems that divide and rule was put into action earlier before PAS’ leadership election.  The idea was that if “progressives” won the election then the DAP would herald them as the new acceptable face of PAS.   If the so called progressives lost the leadership vote then they were probably promised full backing, if they were to defect from PAS and form (Amanah) their own party.  In either event, they (Amanah) would still be showcased as a Muslim political party that they (DAP) can ‘accept’ which is an euphemism for control.

The DAP-led opposition which Kit Siang presides over thought that a PAS off-shoot made up of those who could not accept election defeat would also cause many to follow Amanah over to the DAP camp.  The problem is many saw and still see it as just that; the DAP camp. Therefore, it does not matter how much ‘Teh Terik’ is being offered at their (DAP) meetings, the ones doing the serving are still the (Amanah) Malays.

In continuing with the divide and rule scenario, the DAP-led opposition had to pull in some bigger fish.  So through various middle men or ‘woman’, former deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was told that the Kit Siang’s DAP-led opposition would back him to be Prime Minister, if he turned against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.  The idea being that if Muhyiddin Yassin were to turn against Najib then that would cause a split in UMNO and result in a no confidence vote.

However, not only did Muhyiddin not have the power to rally Umno MP’s to his side, he soon found himself on the outside looking in.

The only thing that has come out of the Kit Siang Tun Mahathir linkage was a plan to make Mukhriz Mahathir Prime Minister and Kit Siang DPM.  For Mahathir a more recent bonus beyond having Mukhriz designated as PM is Kit Siang silence over the BNF scandal; an issue that he has been vocal on over the last 30 years (here)


