Lady podah-ed “Emperor” of Malaysian racialism

mahathir anwar

KTemoc Konsiders

Malaysiakini on Wan Azizah podah-ing Mahathir (extracts):

If former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad was so good at uniting the opposition, he wouldn’t need to meet jailed PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, said PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.


Wan Azizah was responding to a question on whether Mahathir had taken over the role of de facto leader as he was more visible in trying to unite the opposition even though she was the official opposition leader.

Wan Azizah noted that holding the opposition together was tough but credit should be given to Anwar.

“I think it is not easy because we were already seen to be fragmented. Give him (Anwar) some credit for holding the fort for some time,” she said.

Yesterday, Mahathir met Anwar while the latter was briefly out of jail for a case at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

It was the second meeting since September last year when Dr M, who had Anwar jailed the first time in 1999, sought to bury the hatchet.

Anwar was credited with uniting the opposition in the 2008 general election and denying BN a two-thirds majority for the first time in history.

However, Pakatan Rakyat disintegrated after Anwar was jailed a second time in February 2015 for sodomy, a charge he claimed was politically motivated.

Wan Azizah is correct. Mahathir has never been a pleasant person. That’s because he feels he needn’t have to be pleasant. In fact he is downright arrogant, full of acerbic sarcasm and quite pompous.So probably his idea of getting everyone together was by parade-sergeant type of orders, wakakaka.

He was handed the PM’s post by Hussein Onn, only because Ku Li foolishly opted to stay on as Finance Minister to ‘tidy up’ a few projects. Thus Mahathir didn’t do much to charm and seduce UMNO leaders to support his ambition.

His historical rise in UMNO and to the PM-ship didn’t require much on him to “speak softly and sweetly” to people, unlike Anwar Ibrahim, wakakaka.

As a former PM for 22 years plus having an imagination that he was still the “mover & rocker” of Malaysian politics after that (until Najib podah-ed him first), he wasn’t exactly a humble person.

Didn’t he claim he picked two lousy “successors”? Which retired PM had TWO ‘successors”, except someone who believed he was forever in power.Surrounded by vipers today, people like Nephew, wakakaka, he behaves like The Emperor in his New Clothes.

Wikipedia tells us:


