Lim Kit Siang in wrong company

mahathir lim ks

Lim Kit Siang in his nyanyok obduracy has f**k-ed up DAP kau kau for the coming election vis-a-vis Malay voters.

KTemoc Konsiders

MM Online – Umno putting crown on DAP to thwart Malay support for opposition (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13 — Umno’s efforts to portray DAP as the true power of Pakatan Harapan is to dissuade Malay voters from backing the federal opposition, according to political observers.

Academic Ooi Kee Beng said the strategy was a continuation of Malaysia’s decades-old communal politics, adding that it could still be effective despite changes that have made Malaysian society “very complex.”

He added it could also drive the Malay community to overlook current shortcomings of the ruling administration that they might otherwise not have, in a desire to stem the supposed rise of a communal bogeyman.

“The attempt to make the opposition look like a Chinese-run enemy of Malays in general is aimed at pressuring Malays — who wish for politics to be more reflective of their new realities — to stay in line…

“The game is about suppressing dissenting Malay voices, not about the DAP or anything else,” the deputy director of Singapore’s Iseas-Yusof Ishak Institute told Malay Mail Online in an email yesterday.

Lim Kit Siang in his nyanyok obduracy has f**k-ed up DAP kau kau for the coming election vis-a-vis Malay voters.

If he had stay aloof from his old arch-foe Maddy whom he is now ‘sleeping’ with, UMNO would have a far more difficult chore with Pribumi and PKR on one side and DAP on the other.

Then Najib will probably have to focus on Pribumi-PKR and leave DAP to the attention of MCA and Gerakan, which will then be a breeze for DAP.

But no, Lim Kit Siang shows himself now to be a political slut and worse, drags the DAP into his salacious affairs, probably much to the chagrin of the ‘true believers’ in the party, people like the sons and daughter and allies of the late Karpal Singh.

I know Uncle Lim KS is 75 now and thus is desperate for a brilliant end to his career, namely, his demolishing of UMNO. I once admired him as much as I admire Karpal Singh.

I still admire the memory of Karpal Singh but alas, I am now more disappointed with Lim Kit Siang who, in the words of my late mum, ‘just mixes around with bad bad, real bad company, with only a bad end to such undesirable hanging around’.

Yes, it may be a terrific swansong to LKS’ half century of dedicated political life, but alas, one marked in its final phase by an unrealistic obsession, of just destroying an UMNO, by even allying himself with the very man who headed and made the UMNO that LKS considers as evil.

As he is a Christian, let me provide an analogy more recognized by Christians. One cannot destroy Hell by recruiting as an ally in that task, Satan himself.

LKS talks about ‘saving Malaysia’ when he means ‘destroying UMNO’.

How can one destroy UMNO by recruiting Mahathir?

In the event Pribumi-Pakatan wins GE-14, Mahathir will, as sure as the sun rises in the east, discard DAP as an ally and re-adjust the coalition into Pribumi-PKR-UMNO (with Pribumi dissolved into UMNO Baru Baru).


