Cracks widen in DAP


(FMT) – “Working with the party would eventually lead to the formation of “Barisan Nasional II”.

The cracks in DAP appear to be getting wider after another leader came out to defend the four elected reps from Malacca who quit the party on Sunday, citing loss of confidence in the leadership.

The Star reported that DAP Tanjung Bungah state assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu, said he empathised with his four “comrades” in Malacca.

The four DAP state leaders who quit were Kota Melaka MP Sim Tong Him, and assemblymen Goh Leong San (Duyong), Lim Jack Wong (Bachang) and Chin Choong Seong (Kesidang).

He said he understood their dissatisfaction, especially DAP’s cooperation with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.

“I can agree with why they feel fed-up that DAP is working with Pribumi. Some of us feel it, too.
