PAS MPs absent from parliamentary policy debates?


If you vote for PAS, that’s what you get – a party with no concern about important social issues

KTemoc Konsiders

MM Online – Has PAS become a single-issue party? Yes, for now (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 21 ― After the clergy class drove the so-called progressives out of PAS in the 2015 party election, the Islamist party’s new leadership has since revived calls for Shariah rule in Malaysia.

For almost three years, Malaysia’s oldest opposition party had seemingly made its ambition for the implementation of hudud laws in Kelantan ― which some believe is the reason behind its move to table a private member’s Bill in Parliament aiming at elevating the Shariah Courts’ punitive powers ― as its sole preoccupation.

Such perception is strengthened by the leadership’s seemingly lackadaisical attitude towards other crucial issues like rising costs of living and corruption.

In Parliament, PAS MPs are almost absent in all key policy debates. Apart from religious issues, observers say the new creed of PAS leaders has yet to make a mark intellectually or economically.

Political observers say these factors have given the view that PAS is a party with no capacity to tackle complex issues some truth.

If you vote for PAS, that’s what you get – a party with no concern about important social issues such as rising cost of living, corruption, etc, and worse, with no capacity to tackle complex issues that matter for the socio-economic-security aspects of the rakyat.

Another bedevilment for those who voted for PAS has been the observation that In Parliament, PAS MPs are almost absent in all key policy debates. 

Raja Tuang eh? (‘Tuang’ is colloquial for ‘playing truant’). Apa ini, makan gaji buta kah?

But more importantly, how are those who voted for PAS represented in parliament on policy debates that could affect their lives, children and livelihood?

Kaki makan gaji buta – No wonder PAS exco members in Selangor has shamelessly put on their thick skin to say they refuse to vacate their Pakatan-appointments.

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