The pretend peaceniks who hate on Isma

Siti Kasim


Why was turnout at the Bebas rally so low?

Why is Mariam Mokhtar obsessed with my photo?

Why is Farouk A. Peru very fixated on Isma?

Why are smarmy liberals gathered in The Star?

Armchair warriors are all talk, little action

The liberal group calling themselves Bebas held a counter-rally against RUU335 in Tasik Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya last weekend.

Malay Mail Online, Malaysiakini, Free Malaysia Today and The Star helpfully publicized Bebas and its event.

MMO assistant news editor Boo Su-Lyn had moreover urged her column readers to participate (note: Ms Boo was one of the speakers). Speaking too at the rally was MMO liberal darling Azrul Mohd Khalib.

DAP man Zaid Ibrahim, lawyers Siti Kasim (pic), Haris Ibrahim dan mereka-mereka yang sewaktu also gave speeches. But together they still failed to pull a crowd even though the number of their Facebook shares combined must have surpassed the thousands.

In the end, a mere 200-plus persons actually turned up for Bebas. There were few takers when push came to shove and Malaysian liberals were asked to put their money where their mouth is. Sad!

Compare the huge PAS-led rally at Padang Merbok, Petaling Jaya in support of RUU355. There Isma stood together with other Muslim political leaders, scholars, asatizah, activists and even local celebrities. All these individuals willingly put aside their personal/organizational agendas for the good of Islam in this county.

Azrul Khalib-Putera Lilin (holding umbrella) is sandwiched between the Man-in-Red trying to grab snowflake Azira Aziz

Keyboard militant Mariam wants unfettered freedom

I was hoping that Mariam Mokhtar would spit out what she has in her mind about my ‘How liberals are …’ series of writings. Instead she prefers to attach her silly captions to pictures of me.

And as much as I respect Mariam for her seniority in age, I do not condone her modus operandi of liberally presenting me and my fellow youths in such a condescending manner.

We young people possess – as much as Ancient Miss Mariam does – the same gift of critical thinking rather than being easily “deceived”. However on most occasions, we as Muslims do not exercise our choices freely as it would go against the very definition of ‘submission’.

Islam is indeed a religion of submission and there are boundaries as how freedom is not absolute.


