Mahathir’s ‘Let Bygones’ Tour; Another Desperate Attempt to Make Mukhriz Prime Minister!

(The Malaysian Observer) – Tun Mahathir addressing two hundred (200) “reformasi” supporters pleaded with them to let bygones be bygones. (here)

Mahathir wants them to move on from the past and rally around his causes;


  1. ‘To remove Barisan Nasional from the government’


  1. ‘To have his son Mukhriz positioned to become Prime Minister of Malaysia’

Mahathir in his address even goes on to say that taking any (legal) action against him is okay after he gets what amounts to what he wants; causes one (1) and two (2) above.

It seems that the 91 year old former Prime Minister does want any scrutiny over his past until he can see his seed (Mukhriz) in office; then it would not matter as dear old dad would get an executive pardon for past wrongs or at the very least; a slap on the wrist.

Mahathir’s addressing the ‘reformasi’ group is just his latest stopover along the path of his politically expedient apology tour.  With the 14th general election swiftly approaching, Tun Mahathir knows very well that time is racing toward him like a speedy train and there is nothing he can do to slow the inevitable.

His uncomfortable alliance with Lim Kit Siang is turning out to be everything many imagined it would be; Toxic!  

There was even a brief period where Tun Mahathir tried to let Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBN) president former deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin come to the forefront.  However the weight of his (Muhyiddin) personal baggage quickly pulled the party president back out of the media spotlight and into the shadows.

Of course Muhyiddin may also be having second thoughts about trusting Tun Mahathir as news surfaced of a secret pact between Tun Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang.  The pact would have the former’s son (Mukhriz Mahathir) slated as Prime Minister and the latter (Lim Kit Siang) as deputy Prime Minister / Finance Minister if the DAP-led opposition were to win the next general election.

If the deal Mahathir and Kit Siang is true (from all indications it is) then that would leave Muhyiddin without a seat; which may not be that bad considering what Tun Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang and Mukhriz Mahathir are possibly up to  ‘behind’ his back.


