Transformation of Lim Kit Siang is simply amazing and amusing

Lim Kit Siang now is not so keen on RCI to probe the forex scandal due to his sudden political alliance with Mahathir.

(Malaysia Outlook) – Since the federal government has announced the setting up of a special task force to investigate the Bank Negara forex scandal, certain politicians appeared to have been affected by stomach bugs.

The estimated RM30 billion forex scandal took place under former Premier Mahathir Mohamad’s watch in early 1990s.

Malaysians are not shocked to know that the government’s announcement and subsequent setting up of the special task force had caught off guard the perceived perpetrators behind the massive scandal.

But what puzzled them was the deafening silence and flip-flopping of stance by those who have had foamed in their mouth screaming at the scandal for over past 25 years.

DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang is one notable person who would instantly struck in one’s mind.

Once regarded as the unblemished one, Kit Siang now seems not in favour of setting up a task force to investigate the Bank Negara forex scandal.

Bank Negara forex scandal aside, for past nearly 48 years, Kit Siang has ridiculed, condemned and berated the federal government on virtually everything that he claimed was wrong.

He chastised the Maminco tin scandal that happened in 1985 under Mahathir’s watch.

Maminco loss was estimated to be RM1.6 billion.

Other scandals that Kit Siang censured during Mahathir’s premiership between 1981 and 2003 were the RM10 billion Bumiputera Malaysia Finance Limited (BMF) scandal, RM10 billion Perwaja Steel scandal and RM1.5 billion deposit-taking co-operative scandal, all in 1980s; and RM9.4 billion MAS financial scandal that happened in 1990s, to name a few.

Malaysia lost billions in these scandals that took place under Mahathir’s 22-year premiership, and Kit Siang was in the forefront to wag his fingers .

Hence shocking that those who once whacked and smacked Mahathir for all these scandals, were now lobbying him to ‘Save Malaysia’!


