Liberals refuse to allow ‘freedom of religion’ for Muslims

By Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid & Danial Ariff Shaari, Tanjak

“Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers (Muslims) the Jews and those who are Al-Mushrikoon, and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: ‘We are Christians.’ That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.

“And when they (who call themselves Christians) listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognized. They say: ‘Our Lord! We believe; so write us down among the witnesses’.”

[al-Maa’idah 5:82-83]

The above verses are a beautiful portrayal of Christians in the Quran. Christians who are not arrogant but humbled at the revelations from Allah, and nearest in love to the Muslims.

But where is that love, tears, humbleness and God-fearing attitude now? Why the enmity towards something, such as RUU355, that concerns exclusively the well-being of Muslims?

The Syariah, which came together with the message of peace from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is part of the Mercy to the whole universe known as Islam.

Peace, mercy, compassion and love are – ironically – the very values trumpeted with intense regularity by opposition parties, and their partners in the media and social media.

But where is their love and Christian charity just when you need it?

Bersih 4 and 5 supporters in church

Evangelicals exhibit strong support for opposition

Events and news headlines in the past year have proven that DAP, MCA and the evangelical Christians possess one common goal — Anything But Islam.

DAP’s evangelical agenda is evident through its fallout with PAS, and MCA’s tacit support for Dapsters in its bickering with Umno. We were also finally exposed to the Church’s explicit support for Bersih 5.0.

Pastors had called upon their flock to join the DAP-led street ally and provided the participants sanctuary at the holy places of worship. The Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur Julian Leow himself even took part in Bersih.

That collaborative effort on the part of the Christian groups was also proof that DAP evangelists leveraged on the fight for “free and fair” elections just so they can topple the Malay-Muslims led federal government.

DAP Parliamentarians Teresa Kok and Lim Lip Eng with Azrul showing support for Taman Medan church

DAP’s heartwarming support for the Church was previously portrayed via its prominent vice chairman Teresa Kok (pix) who presented a bouquet of flowers to a new church in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.

This was after Muslims protested against its legality as well as motive for the church being set up in a Malay-majority area.

It was one instance where DAP, evangelicals and Malay sympathizers such as Azrul Mohd Khalib became emboldened in publicly expressing Christian politics, their view of “good governance” and superior ethics.

The blame was later somehow shifted to Muslims over our purported religious bigotry. Regretfully, the wider public lost track of the initial concerns raised by the Malays.

Controversy over the Taman Medan church issue elicited a partisan political stance coupled with a (Christian) religious slant as knee-jerk reaction against the initial Malay demonstration.

Secularists must in principle put religion outside of the public sphere. Remember that Malaysian liberals loudly claim themselves to be secularists.

Yet in practice, this same bunch of people had nothing to say about the equally confrontational political methodology adopted by the anti anti-Taman Medan church protesters, i.e. Christian activists vs local Muslim residents. Hypocrisy much?


