If that is the reason MCA should quit, shouldn’t DAP quit the Selangor government too?

Mak Khuin Weng

Lim Kit Siang appears to be very fond of asking the non-Umno BN members to quit their government positions for whatever reason.

This time around, the reason is PAS’ proposed amendment for the Syariah Courts Act RUU 355.

Kit Siang says “This is the least that the ministers from the MCA, Gerakan, MIC, as well as Sabah and Sarawak BN parties can do, to show they are men and women of principle, and that they are not in politics just for position, money and power.”

If that is the reason MCA should quit, shouldn’t DAP quit the Selangor government too?

DAP Empowers PAS

The Selangor government is presently formed by DAP, PKR, PAN and PAS. PAS, through their control of the government, is getting their share of funds and projects.

This power that PAS wields in turn allows them to bully Parti Amanah Negara (PAN), as per PAN’s admission at the first Pakatan Harapan AGM just three months ago. Kesian kan?

But access to government money isn’t the only thing that makes PAS powerful in Selangor.

PAS, through their three Excos, have control of the following portfolios: Housing, Islamic Affairs, Development of Countryside and Traditional Villages, Modernisation of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, and Infrastructure and Public Utilities.

These portfolios give them access to the mosques, villages, low-cost flats and low-cost housing areas in Selangor. In other words, PAS is handed direct access to the rural Malay demographic through their official government work.

So, who exactly is empowering PAS here if not DAP?


DAP can stop this easily and unilaterally. They can quit the coalition and cause the Selangor government to dissolve just like how they decided to dissolve Pakatan Rakyat.

That DAP is still working with PAS in the Selangor government just means that DAP wants to remain in power, no matter the cost. So, what if that cost includes giving PAS free access to government funds and opportunities to meet and serve their voters every day?

Simply put, PAS remains in power because of DAP, and vice versa. This also means that DAP is the least qualified to talk about principles, position, money and power.

Or maybe DAP is actually very principled and just pretends to hate PAS. After all, DAP has sung praises about Hudud and PAS before. Don’t believe me? Watch this video: https://videopress.com/v/BKM5Ua12

Video source and additional reading: https://seademon.me/2016/05/

