DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang should be the last person to talk about principles and to accuse others of racism

1. Recently, Lim Kit Siang has gone on the rampage accusing one and all of lacking principles or of being racist – something which he has done for 42 years.

2. However, he is the last person to talk about principles and racism.

3. In their many ceramahs before GE13, DAP had called Tun Mahathir as the most racist person in Malaysia and accused him and his billionaire children of all sorts of corruption. They even promised that if Pakatan wins Putrajaya, they will put Mahathir in jail to answer for his crimes.

4. In the past, DAP had also relentlessly attacked Parti Pribumi president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for being racist and said he was ultra-extremist for saying he is “Malay first, Malaysian second” – something which Muhyiddin had never apologized for.

5. Today, the party who proclaims in their constitution to want a “Malaysian Malaysia” is now working with the “number one racist” and the ultra-extremist from the PRIBUMI party whose stated aim is to be Bumiputra first to save Malaysia.

6. For 22 years, DAP had also accused Mahathir of all sorts of corruption, human rights abuse and gross mismanagement of the economy. But his son Lim Guan Eng has now proclaimed publicly in their annual assembly last year which Mahathir attended that Mahathir had managed the country well for 22 years.

7. Lim Kit Siang had also shockingly said that DAP’s then member Hew Kuan Yau call for the public to “Use Malays to screw Malays and that would be the best show of a lifetime to watch”  is not racist at all and that their party will not be disciplining Hew.

Any right-thinking Malaysian would believe you cannot get any more racist than this but Kit Siang believes this is all fine.

8. Kit Siang also refuses to ask his son to step down as Chief Minister while he fights his twin corruption charges later this month despite numerous times of calling for others to resign based on  mere allegations throughout his political career.

9. DAP had also attacked Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib Razak as racist for commenting that there was a Chinese Tsunami in GE13 and that the government will work harder to win back their support.

But when the DAP MP and DAP Johor Chairman Liew Chin Tong makes numerous statements that there could be a Malay Tsunami, Kit Siang hypocritically does not seem to think this is racist.

10. DAP’s national organizing secretary Anthony Loke was on record to have told the voting public before GE13 that there is nothing to be scared of Hudud law if you did not commit any wrong. He had also said that if you are not scared of the death sentence in Malaysia, then there is no need to be afraid of amputation of feet and hands.

Today, DAP’ has flip-flopped from its earlier stand and is attacking RUU355 which proposes to increase punishment with additional whipping.

11. Before GE13, DAP’s Lim Guan Eng had also signed a joint-letter with PAS President Hadi Awang that declared that PAS has the right to pursue their Islamic State agenda but today, DAP is PAS’ biggest enemy because PAS tried to exercise that right.

12. These are just some of the numerous examples of Kit Siang and DAP’s lack of principles and racist tendencies since GE13. He is absolutely ill-qualified to accuse others of lacking in principles or of racism.

13. However, Kit Siang can still make things right. There is now talk that he will now abandon his constituency in Gelang Patah to contest elsewhere in GE14.

14. To prove others wrong, Kit Siang should publicly declare that he will be staying in Gelang Patah to discharge his responsibilities and prove he still has some principles left.

15. Alternatively, to run away from Gelang Patah now may signal to the Rakyat that you lack principles or more seriously, the confidence that brought you to the seat in the previous General Elections have deserted Pakatan.

Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Team,

